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When can you use a jogging stroller? Exploring safety guidelines for active parents

Gone are the days when parents had to sacrifice their fitness goals for the sake of caring for their little ones.

With the advent of jogging strollers, running enthusiasts can now hit the pavement with their babies in tow.

But when is the right time to use a jogging stroller?

In this article, we explore the versatility of these athletic contraptions and the essential factors to consider before embarking on a jog with your little one.

Get ready to lace up your sneakers and discover the world of jogging strollers!

when can you use a jogging stroller

A jogging stroller can be used for everyday use depending on the model.

Some parents prefer an all-in-one stroller that can be used as an everyday stroller and a jogger, while others prefer a jogger as a secondary stroller to use interchangeably with a regular stroller.

It is recommended to wait until the baby is at least 6 months old and has good head and neck control before running with a jogging stroller.

Consultation with a pediatrician is advised before running with a baby.

Tips for running with a jogging stroller include locking the front wheel, regularly checking the tires, tightening the baby’s harness, and adjusting expectations for unpredictable children.

Key Points:

  • A jogging stroller can be used for everyday use depending on the model
  • Some parents prefer an all-in-one stroller while others prefer a jogger as a secondary stroller
  • It is recommended to wait until the baby is at least 6 months old with good head and neck control before running with a jogging stroller
  • Consultation with a pediatrician is advised before running with a baby
  • Tips for running with a jogging stroller include:
  • Locking the front wheel
  • Regularly checking the tires
  • Tightening the baby’s harness
  • Adjusting expectations for unpredictable children

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. Despite their name, jogging strollers are not exclusively meant for jogging. They can also be used for brisk walking, hiking, and even navigating rough terrains, thanks to their sturdy build and all-terrain wheels.

2. Jogging strollers are also popular among parents who travel frequently. Many airlines allow parents to check their jogging strollers free of charge, making it a convenient option for families on the go.

3. Did you know that jogging strollers have been around for over 30 years? They were first introduced in the early 1980s and quickly gained popularity among parents looking for a more active way to involve their children in outdoor activities.

4. Jogging strollers are designed with safety in mind. Most models feature a hand brake, which allows parents to maintain control and slow down the stroller’s speed while running downhill or on uneven surfaces.

5. If you ever wondered how fast you can go with a jogging stroller, the current world record for the fastest marathon ran while pushing a stroller is 2 hours, 31 minutes, and 31 seconds. This impressive feat was achieved by running athlete Calum Neff in 2016 at the Woodlands Marathon in Texas.

Everyday Use Of Jogging Strollers

When it comes to using a jogging stroller, the possibilities are not limited to just jogging. Depending on the model, jogging strollers can be used for everyday activities as well. For instance, the Thule Urban Glide 2 and Thule Chariot multisport series are designed to be versatile and suitable for both jogging and everyday use.

The Thule Chariot models, in particular, come with stroller wheels and a bike trailer arm, allowing parents to transform them into a jogger or easily switch between jogging and cycling. To convert the Thule Chariot multisport carrier into a jogger, you can purchase a Thule Chariot Jogging Kit. This flexibility makes these strollers a great choice for active parents who enjoy various outdoor activities alongside their everyday strolls.

When deciding between a jogging stroller and a regular stroller, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. Some parents prefer the convenience of an all-in-one stroller that can be used for everyday tasks and jogging, while others opt for a jogger as a secondary stroller to interchangeably use with a regular stroller. Both options have their merits and it’s important to choose what suits your needs best.

Thule’s Versatile Multisport Series

When it comes to choosing a jogging stroller, Thule offers a range of options to cater to different preferences and activities. The Thule Urban Glide 2 and Thule Urban Glide 2 Double are hybrid all-terrain strollers that are perfect for urban exploration and recreational running. These strollers feature a modern and lightweight design with large wheels, suspension, and a swivel front wheel that can be locked when jogging or navigating rough terrain.

In terms of features, the Thule Urban Glide 2 boasts a vented reclining seat, a large sun canopy to protect your child from the elements, and an enclosed storage compartment to keep your essentials organized. These strollers are designed to provide comfort and convenience for both parent and child, making them ideal for active families who want to enjoy outdoor adventures while keeping their little ones safe and comfortable.

Converting a Multisport Carrier to a Jogger

For parents who already own a Thule Chariot multisport carrier, there is an option to convert it into a jogger using the Thule Chariot Jogging Kit. This kit allows you to easily transform your carrier into a dedicated jogging stroller, maximizing your investment by adapting to your changing needs and preferences.

Converting your multisport carrier into a jogger not only saves you money but also allows you to continue enjoying the benefits of using a trusted brand like Thule. This convenient solution offers flexibility, allowing you to seamlessly transition between different activities. It is the perfect choice for active parents who want a versatile stroller.

Choosing Between Jogging Strollers and Regular Strollers

When it comes to choosing between a jogging stroller and a regular stroller, the options can be overwhelming. However, by considering your lifestyle and preferences, you can make an informed decision. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  1. All-in-one convenience: Some parents find it helpful to have a stroller that can handle both everyday tasks and jogging activities. This type of stroller offers versatility and eliminates the need for multiple strollers.

  2. Specialized running sessions: On the other hand, some parents prefer having a dedicated jogging stroller in addition to their regular stroller. This allows for more specialized running sessions with enhanced support, stability, and comfort for both the parent and the child.

  3. Optimal support and stability: If jogging is a top priority for you, investing in a proper jogging stroller is worth considering. These strollers are specifically designed to provide optimal support and stability during a running session. It can make a significant difference in your jogging experience, helping you navigate different terrains and maintain a consistent pace.

By carefully considering your needs and preferences, you can choose the stroller that is best suited for your jogging routine.

Benefits of Investing in a Proper Jogging Stroller

Investing in a proper jogging stroller offers several benefits for active parents. Firstly, it provides a safe and comfortable environment for your child while you engage in physical activities. The sturdy construction, specialized wheels, and suspension systems of jogging strollers ensure a smooth and stable ride for your little one. This allows you to focus on your jogging routine without worrying about your child’s well-being.

Secondly, using a jogging stroller allows you to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends postpartum exercise as it can boost energy levels, promote better sleep, counter stress, and even prevent postpartum depression. However, it’s important to note that returning to running after childbirth should be done gradually and with the approval of your healthcare provider.

Considerations When Buying a Jogging Stroller

When purchasing a jogging stroller, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and requirements. Think about whether you need a primary jogging stroller for everyday use, a dedicated jogger for intense training sessions, or a stroller that offers various activities such as jogging, biking, and even cross-country skiing.

Additionally, it’s crucial to take into account the age and developmental stage of your child. Most jogging strollers are not designed to fully recline, which means running with a baby should be avoided until they are at least 6 months old and have good head and neck control. Some jogging strollers are specifically designed for babies who are 8 months or older.

Before embarking on any physical activity with your baby, it’s always recommended to consult with a pediatrician to ensure their safety and well-being. They can provide valuable guidance and advice tailored to your child’s specific needs.

Jogging strollers can be used for everyday activities depending on the model and features. They offer a versatile and convenient option for active parents who enjoy jogging or engaging in outdoor activities while still taking care of their child. Whether you choose an all-in-one stroller or a dedicated jogger, investing in a proper jogging stroller can enhance your jogging experience and provide peace of mind knowing that your child is safe and comfortable.


Can you put a 3 month old in a jogging stroller?

No, it is not recommended to put a 3-month-old in a jogging stroller. Most jogging strollers are not designed to fully recline, which means they do not provide the necessary support and safety for such a young baby. It is advised to wait until your baby is at least 6 months old before running with them in a jogging stroller, and even then, they may not be developmentally ready until they are around 8 months old. Prioritizing the baby’s safety and development is crucial, and it is best to consult with a pediatrician before introducing any intense physical activities like jogging with a stroller.

Can you jog with an infant car seat?

No, it is not recommended to jog with an infant car seat. Jogging or running with an attached infant car seat on a stroller can compromise the safety of the child. It is advised to wait until the child is old enough and capable of sitting in the stroller seat before engaging in any jogging or running activities. Prioritizing your child’s safety should always be the primary concern when deciding whether it is appropriate to jog with a stroller.

Can you run with baby in car seat in jogging stroller?

While it may be tempting to go for a jog with your baby in a car seat attached to a jogging stroller, it is generally not recommended. Stroller manufacturers advise against this practice due to safety concerns. Attaching the car seat to the stroller can make it top-heavy, potentially compromising balance and stability while running. It is recommended to wait until your baby is old enough to sit up on their own before engaging in jogging activities with a stroller.

Can you put a 4 month old in a jogging stroller?

It is generally recommended by experts to wait until a baby is at least six months old before putting them in a jogging stroller. At this age, babies have better head and neck control, allowing for a safer and more comfortable experience while jogging. It is important to prioritize the baby’s safety and consult with a medical professional before introducing a jogging stroller to a four-month-old.

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