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How to Clean Stroller: Effective Tips and Tricks

Imagine taking your little one for a stroll through the park, sun shining, birds chirping…but wait, what’s that?

Stains on the fabric?

Dirt on the wheels?

Don’t fret!

In this guide, we’ll show you the secrets to keeping your stroller in pristine condition, ensuring both your baby’s safety and a stylish ride.

So, whether it’s spaghetti mishaps or muddy adventures, let’s dive into the world of stroller cleaning and make your life a whole lot easier.

How to clean the stroller?

To clean a stroller, focus on cleaning the fabric areas, frame, wheels, and accessories.

Use baby-safe soap, disinfectant wipes, and gentle cleaning supplies.

Clean the stroller after each use, addressing tasks such as brushing off mud and dirt, removing crumbs, and wiping off sticky messes.

Deal with mold and mildew by ventilating the stroller outside, brushing away mold, using lemon juice and salt, or using a mixture of water and vinegar or non-chlorine bleach.

Vacuum the stroller, including hidden seams, covers, straps, and moving parts.

Use a toothbrush or Q-tips to clean hard-to-reach places.

Wash the stroller using sponges, washcloths, and soft brushes.

Follow specific cleaning instructions provided by the stroller’s manual.

Use mild detergent mixed with water to clean the fabric and treat more soiled areas with a baby-safe fabric stain remover or enzyme cleaner.

Sanitize the stroller using soap and water, hot water or steam, or a handheld steamer or UV sanitizing wand.

Allow the fabric to air dry, avoiding putting it in the dryer.

Repeat cleaning and sanitizing steps as needed.

Reassemble the stroller carefully, referring to photos or videos taken during disassembly.

Key Points:

  • Focus on cleaning fabric areas, frames, wheels, and accessories.
  • Use baby-safe soap, disinfectant wipes, and gentle cleaning supplies.
  • Clean after each use, removing mud, dirt, crumbs, and sticky messes.
  • Deal with mold and mildew by ventilating outside, using lemon juice, salt, water and vinegar, or non-chlorine bleach.
  • Vacuum hidden seams, covers, straps, and moving parts and use a toothbrush or Q-tips for hard-to-reach places.
  • Wash using sponges, washcloths, and soft brushes and follow specific cleaning instructions provided by the stroller’s manual.

💡 Did You Know?

1. Did you know that stroller wheels can be cleaned with a simple solution of warm water and dish soap? Just give them a good scrub with a brush and they’ll be squeaky clean!
2. To get rid of sticky residue on your stroller, try using a mixture of baking soda and water. Rub it onto the affected area and then wipe it off with a damp cloth. It works like magic!
3. If your stroller fabric is machine washable, don’t forget to remove the seat pads, harnesses, and other removable parts before throwing them in the washer. This will ensure a thorough cleaning without any damage.
4. To maintain the smooth running of your stroller’s wheels, apply a small amount of silicone spray or WD-40 to the axle. This will prevent squeaking and make pushing the stroller effortless.
5. Did you know that vinegar can help sanitize and deodorize your stroller? Create a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, and use it to wipe down the stroller frame and handlebars. Not only will it remove germs, but it will also eliminate any unpleasant odors.

1. Regular Cleaning For Germ-Free And Safe Strollers

Regularly cleaning your stroller is essential to keep it germ-free and safe for your precious little one. As infants have lower immunity, it becomes even more crucial to maintain a clean environment for them. By following some simple cleaning practices, you can ensure that your baby’s stroller remains free from dirt, bacteria, and other potential hazards.

  • Remove any loose debris such as food crumbs, dirt, and leaves from the stroller. Use a handheld vacuum or brush to thoroughly clean the seat, canopy, and storage compartments.
  • Wipe down all surfaces with a mild soap and water solution or baby-safe cleaning wipes. Pay extra attention to areas that come into direct contact with your baby, such as the handlebar, armrests, and straps. Rinse with clean water and pat dry.
  • Check the fabric care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Some strollers have removable and machine-washable fabric parts. Follow the recommended washing instructions to deep clean the fabric and eliminate any stubborn stains or odors.
  • Sanitize frequently touched areas using a baby-safe disinfectant spray or wipes. Focus on high-touch surfaces like the handlebar, tray, and wheels. Allow the disinfectant to sit for the recommended time and then wipe it clean.

It is important to note that harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning agents can damage the stroller’s fabric or plastic parts. Always use gentle cleaning solutions and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper maintenance.

By regularly cleaning your baby’s stroller, you can provide them with a hygienic and safe environment. Remember to inspect the stroller for any loose screws or damaged parts and address them promptly. Your little one deserves a clean and comfortable ride every time!

  • Remove loose debris
  • Wipe down all surfaces
  • Check fabric care instructions
  • Sanitize frequently touched areas

Cleaning after Each Use

After each use, take a few minutes to clean your stroller, focusing on small tasks that can make a significant difference. Start by brushing off any mud or dirt that may have accumulated on the frame or wheels. Next, remove crumbs and wipe off sticky messes using a baby wipe or a damp cloth. Pay attention to food spills and any residue that may attract pests and bacteria. By incorporating these small cleaning tasks into your routine, you can maintain a hygienic environment for your baby.

Dealing with Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew growth can be a common problem, especially if your stroller gets exposed to moisture or is stored in a damp area. To address this issue, begin by ventilating the stroller outside on a sunny day. Allow the fresh air to circulate, reducing the moisture content. Next, brush away any visible mold or mildew using a soft-bristled brush. If needed, create a mixture of lemon juice and salt or water and vinegar to remove stubborn growth. For tougher cases, a solution of non-chlorine bleach diluted in water can effectively get rid of mold and mildew. However, always refer to the stroller’s manual for specific cleaning instructions before using any cleaning agents.

  • Ventilate the stroller outside on a sunny day
  • Brush away visible mold or mildew
  • Use a mixture of lemon juice and salt, or water and vinegar
  • Diluted solution of non-chlorine bleach to remove tough mold and mildew

“Always refer to the stroller’s manual for specific cleaning instructions before using any cleaning agents.”

2. Focus Areas: Fabric, Frame, Wheels, And Accessories

Cleaning a stroller involves paying attention to multiple areas: the fabric, frame, wheels, and accessories. By addressing each component with care and using appropriate cleaning techniques, you can maintain a spotless and safe stroller for your child.

  • To clean the fabric, start by removing any loose dirt or debris. Then, spot clean any stains using a mild soap and water solution. Allow the fabric to air dry completely before using the stroller again. It’s important to always check the manufacturer’s instructions before using any cleaning products on the fabric.
  • The frame of the stroller can usually be wiped down with a damp cloth. For tougher grime, you can use a gentle cleaner, such as a mild detergent or baby-safe cleaning solution. Be sure to dry off the frame thoroughly to prevent rust or damage.
  • When it comes to cleaning the wheels, check for any debris that may be stuck in the treads or axles. Use a toothbrush or small brush to remove any dirt or hair. If the wheels are removable, you can soak them in warm, soapy water and scrub them clean. Just make sure to dry them completely before reattaching them to the stroller.
  • Lastly, don’t forget to clean the stroller accessories, such as the canopy, cup holder, or storage basket. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning each accessory, as some may be removable and machine washable while others may need to be wiped down with a damp cloth.

Keeping your child’s stroller clean is essential for their comfort and safety. Regularly inspect and maintain each component, following these cleaning tips, to ensure a spotless and hygienic stroller for your little one.

  • Fabric: spot clean stains with mild soap and water, air dry.
  • Frame: wipe down with a damp cloth, use mild detergent if needed, dry thoroughly.
  • Wheels: remove debris with a toothbrush, soak in warm, soapy water if removable, dry completely.
  • Accessories: follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, machine wash or wipe down as appropriate.

Vacuuming the Stroller

Start by vacuuming the stroller, using a handheld vacuum or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Ensure you reach hidden seams, covers, straps, and other hard-to-reach areas. This step will help remove any loose dirt, crumbs, or debris, preparing the stroller for a thorough cleaning.

Cleaning Hard-to-Reach Places

Some areas of the stroller can be challenging to clean. To effectively clean those hard-to-reach places, follow these tips:

  • Use a toothbrush or Q-tips to reach areas between crevices, hinges, and other tight spots. This will ensure thorough cleaning.
  • These small tools are perfect for removing dirt or grime lodged in hard-to-reach places.
  • Make sure to scrub gently and be thorough to clean every corner of the stroller.

Remember, proper cleaning and maintenance will help keep your stroller in top condition for longer.

“Use a toothbrush or Q-tips to reach areas between crevices, hinges, and other tight spots.”

3. Baby-Safe Soap And Cleaning Supplies

To clean your stroller effectively and safely, it is critical to use baby-safe soap and cleaning supplies. This will help preserve the integrity of the fabric and protect your child from any harmful chemicals.

For an optimal cleaning process, consider the following steps:

  • Dilute the baby-safe soap in water according to the instructions.
  • Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently clean the fabric, paying attention to any stains or dirt buildup.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they may damage the stroller’s fabric.
  • Rinse the fabric thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Allow the stroller to air dry completely before using it again.

Remember, taking care of your child’s stroller extends its lifespan and ensures a safe and hygienic environment for them.

“Using baby-safe soap and cleaning supplies is crucial for maintaining the fabric integrity and protecting your child from harmful chemicals.”

Washing the Stroller

When washing the fabric components of your stroller, it is important to use the right tools and products to ensure proper cleaning without causing any damage. Follow these steps for an effective and safe cleaning process:

  1. Use sponges, washcloths, or soft brushes to gently scrub the fabric. This will help remove dirt and grime without being too harsh on the material.
  2. Mix mild detergent with water to create a cleaning solution. Ensure that the detergent you choose is suitable for delicate fabrics and does not contain any harsh chemicals.
  3. Pay close attention to stained or soiled areas and give them extra care. Gently scrub these areas with the cleaning solution until the stains start to fade.
  4. For stubborn stains that are proving difficult to remove, consider using a baby-safe fabric stain remover or enzyme cleaner. These products are specifically designed to be gentle yet effective in tackling tough stains without causing any damage to the fabric.

Remember, it is always advisable to test any new cleaning product or stain remover on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric before using it on the entire stroller. This will ensure that the product does not cause any discoloration or damage.

Important Note:

Don’t forget to always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and care of your specific stroller model. Some strollers may have specific cleaning requirements or recommendations to maintain their quality and longevity.

By taking these steps and using the right tools and products, you can keep your stroller’s fabric components clean and maintain their appearance for a longer period of time.

  • Use sponges, washcloths, or soft brushes for gentle scrubbing.
  • Mix mild detergent with water for the cleaning solution.
  • Pay close attention to stained or soiled areas.
  • Consider using a baby-safe fabric stain remover or enzyme cleaner for stubborn stains.

Sanitizing the Stroller

After cleaning the fabric, it is essential to sanitize the stroller to eliminate any remaining bacteria or germs. You can choose to sanitize it using:

  • Soap and water
  • Hot water or steam
  • Handheld steamer
  • UV sanitizing wand

These methods will help eradicate harmful microorganisms, providing a clean and safe environment for your baby.

4. Proper Storage And Maintenance For Prolonged Lifespan

Proper storage and maintenance are essential for prolonging the lifespan of your stroller and retaining its value. By following a few simple tips, you can keep your stroller in excellent condition for years to come.

Dry the Fabric Properly

After cleaning the stroller, it is crucial to dry the fabric thoroughly. Soak up excess water by gently patting the fabric with a microfiber cloth. Avoid putting the stroller fabric in the dryer, as this may damage it or cause shrinkage. Instead, allow the fabric to air dry completely before reassembling the stroller.

Follow the Manual’s Instructions

Always refer to the stroller’s manual for specific cleaning and maintenance instructions. Different strollers may have unique requirements, and following these guidelines will ensure you don’t inadvertently damage any parts or void the warranty.

5. Importance Of Cleaning For Infants’ Lower Immunity

The importance of cleaning your baby’s stroller cannot be overstated, especially considering their lower immunity. Infants are more susceptible to infections and diseases, making it crucial to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for them.

Keeping your stroller clean helps prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria that can cause illnesses. Regular cleaning removes dirt, allergens, and potential allergens, reducing the risk of respiratory problems or skin irritations for your baby. By incorporating cleaning into your routine, you provide your little one with a safer and healthier environment.

Benefits of cleaning your baby’s stroller:

  • Reduces the risk of infections and diseases
  • Prevents transfer of germs and bacteria
  • Removes dirt and allergens
  • Reduces the risk of respiratory problems and skin irritations

6. Small Tasks For Regular Stroller Cleaning

Regular stroller cleaning involves a series of small tasks that, when performed consistently, will ensure your baby’s comfort and safety.

In addition to the tasks mentioned above, regularly check for and remove any loose threads or fabric pulls. Clear out the storage compartments and pockets, discarding any trash or debris. Wipe down the canopy, paying attention to any accumulated dust or grime. By regularly performing these small tasks, you can maintain a clean and functional stroller that your baby will love.

Proper and regular cleaning of your stroller is vital to keep it germ-free and safe for your baby. Focus on cleaning the fabric areas, frame, wheels, and accessories using baby-safe soap, disinfectant wipes, and gentle cleaning supplies. Proper storage and maintenance will also prolong the stroller’s lifespan and retain its value. Knowing that infants have lower immunity, following these cleaning practices will provide your baby with a clean and healthy strolling experience. Remember to refer to the stroller’s manual for specific cleaning instructions, and don’t forget the small cleaning tasks that make a big difference. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can ensure a clean and safe stroller for your little one’s everyday adventures.


What is the best thing to clean a stroller with?

To effectively clean a stroller, it is recommended to start by spot cleaning the fabric with a mixture of water and a mild soap. For any stubborn stains, it is helpful to remove the stroller’s removable cover or fabric and soak it in cool water while gently scrubbing the stains. Once the fabric has dried, using a Lysol® Disinfectant Spray is a great way to refresh and sanitize the cloth, ensuring a clean and germ-free stroller for your little one.

Can you wash a stroller in the washing machine?

Yes, it is possible to wash a stroller in the washing machine if the fabric is removable. For strollers with removable fabric, simply detach it and place it in the washing machine following the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if the fabric is not removable, you will have to clean the stroller while it is still on the frame. In this case, you can use a flexible hose attachment to suck up any loose crumbs and debris. It is important to pay close attention to seams and areas where the seat meets the rear part of the stroller, as these are common areas for dirt buildup.

What kind of soap do you use to clean a stroller?

When it comes to cleaning a stroller with non-machine-washable fabric, an effective soap choice is one that combines mild dish soap or detergent with warm water. This gentle mix can be used to dampen the soiled areas before applying a washcloth, sponge, or brush to gently scrub the stains away. Having the appropriate tools on hand is important as it allows you to adjust the level of scrubbing needed based on the severity of the stains. By following this method, you can effectively clean your stroller and maintain its pristine appearance.

How do you clean a kids stroller?

To effectively clean a kids stroller, it is important to give attention to both the hard parts and the wheels. Start by wiping down hard surfaces, such as the handles, with a disinfecting wipe or a multi-purpose cleaner if needed. Ensure thorough cleaning by not forgetting the wheels, as they tend to accumulate dirt. If the stroller has tires, consider checking their air pressure and pumping some air into them for optimal performance. A comprehensive cleaning approach will help maintain a hygienic and well-functioning stroller for your child’s comfort and safety.

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