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What Are Strollers Called in England and Beyond: A Global Guide

When it comes to traversing the bustling streets of England or wandering through picturesque parks, parents need a trusty companion to transport their little ones.

But what exactly do they call this essential device across the pond?

Dive into the fascinating world of British colloquialisms as we uncover the mystery behind what strollers are called in England.

Prepare for a delightful linguistic journey that will leave you yearning for more!

what are strollers called in england

In England, strollers or baby carriages are commonly called “prams.”

Key Points:

  • Strollers are commonly referred to as “prams” in England.
  • “Prams” is the popular term for baby carriages in England.
  • The term “pram” is used to describe strollers in England.
  • Strollers are known as “prams” in England.
  • In England, the common term for strollers is “prams.”
  • The term “prams” is used in England to refer to strollers or baby carriages.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. In England, strollers are commonly referred to as “pushchairs.” The term is derived from the act of “pushing” the carriage-like device.

2. Did you know that the term “pram” is also frequently used in England to describe a stroller? “Pram” is short for “perambulator,” which was derived from the Latin word perambulare meaning “to walk through.”

3. In the United Kingdom, you might come across the term “buggy” when talking about strollers. This term is colloquially used to refer to a lightweight, foldable stroller that is easy to maneuver.

4. A less common but still occasionally used term for strollers in England is “trolley.” This term is believed to have originated from the similarity between pushing a stroller and pushing a shopping trolley or cart.

5. Interestingly, the slang term “kiddie-wink carrier” has been used in England to humorously refer to a stroller. It playfully highlights the primary function of a stroller, which is carrying and transporting young children.

The Definition Of A Pram

In England, the device commonly used to transport infants and young children is known as a “pram.” The term “pram” is derived from the word “perambulator,” which originally meant “one who walks or perambulates.” However, over time, its meaning gradually evolved to encompass a specific type of baby carriage.

A pram is a device with wheels designed to conveniently transport babies and toddlers. It typically consists of a sturdy frame with a comfortable, padded compartment where the child can safely rest while being pushed around. Prams are specifically tailored to provide the utmost comfort and protection to the child, as well as being easy to use for parents or caregivers.

This quintessentially British term is predominantly used within England. In other parts of the world, different terminologies have emerged to describe similar devices.

Key Points:

  • A pram is a device used to transport babies and toddlers.
  • It consists of a sturdy frame and a comfortable, padded compartment.
  • Prams are designed to prioritize the comfort and protection of the child.
  • The term “pram” is primarily used in England.
  • Different terminologies exist for similar devices in other parts of the world.

“A pram is a device with wheels that is designed to conveniently transport babies and toddlers.”

Historical Meaning Of “Perambulator”

The term “perambulator” has a fascinating historical background. Originally, it referred to a person who engaged in the act of walking or perambulating. However, in the context of baby carriages, the term gained prominence in the 1850s with the emergence of the first pram-like contraptions. These early versions encompassed a framework on wheels that gave parents the ability to take their children for walks in a comfortable and secure manner.

As perambulators became increasingly popular, the term gradually shifted in meaning to specifically indicate this particular type of baby carriage. Since then, the word “pram” has taken on a life of its own, becoming deeply ingrained in the British culture and frequently used within England to this day.

Prams: The English Term For Baby Carriages

In England, the term “pram” is commonly used to describe a baby carriage or stroller. This terminology is deeply rooted in the country’s culture and is predominantly utilized by British parents, caregivers, and the general population. The name “pram” has become synonymous with baby transportation and represents a traditional, comfortable, and secure means of transporting infants and young children within England.

Prams are designed with a focus on ergonomics, safety, and convenience. They often feature padded seating, adjustable backrests, storage compartments, and sometimes even a detachable bassinet or carrycot for added versatility. The aim is to offer both the child and the person pushing the pram the utmost comfort and ease of use during outings and walks.

It is important to note, however, that the term “pram” is not exclusive to England, as it has also gained recognition in other parts of the world where British influence has shone through, such as Australia and New Zealand.

Alternate Term In The US: Strollers

In contrast to England’s preference for the term “pram,” the United States predominantly uses the word “stroller” to refer to a baby carriage or pram-like device. While there may be some regional variations within the country, “stroller” is the most widely recognized term used by American parents and caregivers.

Similar to prams, strollers are designed to provide comfort, safety, and convenience. They often feature adjustable seating positions, sun canopies, storage baskets, and a variety of other features to cater to the needs of both the child and the person pushing the stroller. While the term “stroller” is not exclusive to the United States, its usage is more prevalent compared to other parts of the world.

The Evolution Of Baby Carriage Terminology

The terminology used to describe baby carriages has evolved significantly over the years. Different cultures have developed their own unique words to represent these devices.

In addition to the terms “pram” and “stroller,” other variations have become prominent in various parts of the world:

  • In Canada and the United States, the widely recognized term is “baby carriage.”
  • In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term “pushchair” is commonly used.
  • In the United Kingdom, Ireland, and New Zealand, the term “buggy” is frequently used to denote a lightweight, collapsible baby carriage.

This diverse array of terminologies highlights the rich tapestry of cultural influences on baby carriage nomenclature across the globe, each with its own unique connotations and associations.

Distinct Terminology: Prams Vs. Strollers

While both prams and strollers serve the same purpose of transporting infants and young children, there are some key differences between the two. Prams often have a traditional, vintage aesthetic with a sturdy frame and large, spoked wheels. They typically prioritize comfort and are ideal for newborns and infants who need to lie flat.

On the other hand, strollers have a more modern, sleek design with smaller, swivel wheels for easy maneuverability. They are often equipped with adjustable seating positions and are suitable for older babies and toddlers who can sit upright.

The choice between prams and strollers ultimately depends on personal preferences, the age of the child, and the specific needs of the parent or caregiver. Regardless of the terminology used, both prams and strollers are essential tools for safely and comfortably transporting children, ensuring they can explore the world around them.


What does UK call a stroller?

In the United Kingdom, a stroller is commonly referred to as a “pram.” Prams are designed for infants and young children up to the age of three, allowing them to sit in a comfortable position facing forward. They provide a safe and convenient mode of transportation for parents to take their little ones out and about.

What are strollers called in London?

In London, strollers are commonly referred to as “pushchairs”. The term pushchair emerged as a more modern and convenient alternative to the traditional pram or perambulator. It reflects the purpose of the device, which is designed to be easily pushed and maneuvered while walking with a child. This expression is widely embraced in London and has become the commonly used word to describe this essential baby transportation tool.

What do Europeans call a baby stroller?

In most of Europe, a baby stroller is commonly referred to as a “pushchair” or a “buggy.” These terms are more commonly used in the UK, but are also understood in many other European countries. While some individuals may still use the term “pram,” it is not as prevalent in modern usage.

Is stroller American or British English?

While stroller and buggy are both terms used to refer to a baby carriage, the usage varies between American and British English. In America, stroller is the commonly used term, while in the UK, buggy is the preferred term. However, it’s worth noting that different regions within each country might have their own preferences as well. Nevertheless, overall, stroller is an American English term, whereas buggy is more commonly associated with British English.

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