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How to Keep Your Stroller Cool in Summer: Tips and Tricks

As the summer sun shines its brightest, parents are faced with the challenge of keeping their little explorers cool and comfortable in their strollers.

But fear not!

With the right tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can ensure your baby stays protected from harmful UV rays and overheating.

From innovative stroller covers to lightweight clothing and ample shade, we’ve got you covered.

So let’s dive into the world of stroller coolness and discover the secrets to a refreshing summer stroll.

How to keep the stroller cool in Summer?

To keep a stroller cool in summer and protect babies from UV rays and overheating, there are several steps you can take.

First, use a stroller cover or sunshade to provide shade and protect from harmful UVA and UVB rays.

These covers can shield up to 99% of the sun’s rays and are made from lightweight material.

Dress babies in lightweight, loose cotton clothing that covers their arms and legs, as cotton is breathable and helps wick away moisture.

Use a hat with a broad rim to keep their head cool and protected.

Ensure babies stay hydrated by providing them with increased fluids, whether through breast milk, extra formula, or water for babies over 6 months.

Use stroller seat liners that can wick moisture and keep the baby cool and comfortable, and consider using stroller fans for personal cooling.

Removing the back panel of the stroller can also increase airflow.

Homemade cooling solutions like water bottles, cooler packs, or wet towels can be effective as well.

Choose a stroller with a big canopy, mesh peek window, and UPF rated fabric.

Avoid walking during the hottest part of the day, and pay attention to signs of overheating.

If a baby displays symptoms of overheating, such as feeling hot, flushed, or restless, take them out of the sun and provide cool damp towels and fluids.

It is important to contact a pediatrician or doctor if concerned or if symptoms persist.

Key Points:

  • Use a stroller cover or sunshade to protect from harmful UV rays
  • Dress babies in lightweight, breathable cotton clothing
  • Use a hat with a broad rim to keep their head cool and protected
  • Ensure babies stay hydrated by providing increased fluids
  • Use stroller seat liners and fans for added cooling
  • Choose a stroller with a big canopy, mesh peek window, and UPF rated fabric

💡 Did You Know?

1. Strollers with light-colored canopies tend to stay cooler in the summer compared to dark-colored canopies, as they reflect more sunlight and heat.
2. Placing a wet towel or a small, frozen water bottle in the stroller’s storage basket can help keep the overall temperature down on hot summer days.
3. Using a stroller fan attachment can provide a refreshing breeze for your little one while they are sitting in their stroller, helping to prevent overheating.
4. Certain strollers are designed with built-in UV protection in their canopies, shielding your child from harmful sun rays and keeping them cooler at the same time.
5. For extra cooling, freeze fruit puree or yogurt in ice cube trays and offer them to your child as healthy and delicious icy treats during summer strolls.

Importance Of Protecting Babies From UV Rays And Overheating

Protecting babies from UV rays and overheating is crucial for their well-being, especially during the summer months when the sun’s intensity is at its peak.

Babies have delicate skin that is more susceptible to sunburn and heat-related issues. Sun exposure can also increase the risk of long-term skin damage and potentially even skin cancer later in life.

Additionally, babies have a limited ability to regulate their body temperature, making them more prone to overheating. Therefore, it is essential to take necessary precautions to keep babies cool and shielded from harmful UV rays.

Here are some tips to protect babies from UV rays and overheating:

  • Apply sunscreen – Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) specifically formulated for babies. Apply it to all exposed skin, including the face, ears, and hands. Reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
  • Keep babies in shade – Avoid direct sun exposure, especially during peak hours (10 am to 4 pm), when the sun is at its strongest. Utilize umbrellas, shade sails, or stroller covers to provide ample shade.
  • Dress babies appropriatelyDress babies in lightweight, breathable clothing that covers their arms and legs. Opt for wide-brimmed hats that shade their face, neck, and ears. Sunglasses can also protect their eyes from harmful UV rays.
  • Stay hydrated – Ensure that babies stay well-hydrated, especially in hot weather. Offer them breastmilk, formula, or water frequently to keep them hydrated and help regulate their body temperature.
  • Avoid overheating in cars – Never leave a baby unattended in a parked car, even for a short period. Car interiors can quickly reach dangerously high temperatures, posing a severe risk of heatstroke.

By following these precautions, you can help protect babies from the risks of UV rays and overheating, ensuring their well-being during the summer months and beyond.

“Babies are delicate beings who require extra care and attention when it comes to sun protection and avoiding overheating.”

Using Stroller Covers Or Sunshades For Shade And UV Protection

One of the effective ways to keep a stroller cool in the summer is by using a stroller cover or sunshade. These covers are specifically designed to provide shade and protect babies from harmful UVA and UVB rays. They can shield up to 99% of the sun’s rays and are usually made from lightweight material, ensuring that the baby remains comfortable.

Here are some key benefits of using a stroller cover or sunshade:

  • Protection from UVA and UVB rays: The cover helps shield your baby from harmful sun rays that can cause skin damage.
  • Cool and comfortable: The lightweight material of the cover ensures that the stroller remains cool and your baby stays comfortable even on hot summer days.
  • Easy to attach: These covers are quick and easy to attach to the stroller, providing instant shade and protection.
  • Multipurpose: In addition to providing shade, these covers can also double as a rain cover during unexpected showers.

It is important to note that using blankets to cover the stroller is not recommended as it can increase the temperature inside and hamper airflow.


One of the effective ways to keep a stroller cool in the summer is by using a stroller cover or sunshade. These covers are specifically designed to provide shade and protect babies from harmful UVA and UVB rays. They can shield up to 99% of the sun’s rays and are usually made from lightweight material, ensuring that the baby remains comfortable.

Benefits of using a stroller cover or sunshade:

  • Protection from UVA and UVB rays: The cover helps shield your baby from harmful sun rays that can cause skin damage.
  • Cool and comfortable: The lightweight material of the cover ensures that the stroller remains cool and your baby stays comfortable even on hot summer days.
  • Easy to attach: These covers are quick and easy to attach to the stroller, providing instant shade and protection.
  • Multipurpose: In addition to providing shade, these covers can also double as a rain cover during unexpected showers.

It is important to note that using blankets to cover the stroller is not recommended as it can increase the temperature inside and hamper airflow.

Dressing Babies In Lightweight, Breathable Clothing

Choosing the right clothing for babies is crucial in keeping them cool and comfortable during the summer. It is recommended to dress babies in lightweight, loose cotton clothing that covers their arms and legs. Cotton is a breathable fabric that helps wick away moisture, keeping the baby cool. Another popular fabric choice is bamboo, which also releases moisture and provides excellent ventilation. Opting for lighter colors is preferable as they reflect light rather than absorbing it, helping to maintain a cool temperature.

Keeping Babies Hydrated In Hot Temperatures

Dehydration is a significant concern for babies during hot temperatures, as they are more susceptible to it than adults. To prevent dehydration, it is essential to ensure that babies are properly hydrated.

  • Breastfed babies can typically get enough hydration from breast milk.
  • Formula-fed babies may require extra formula to stay hydrated.
  • For babies older than six months, offering additional water is important.

It is recommended to speak with a healthcare provider for specific guidelines on fluid intake for babies in hot weather.

Remember: Proper hydration is crucial for babies in hot temperatures.

Using Stroller Seat Liners And Cooling Solutions For Added Comfort

To enhance the comfort and coolness of a stroller, seat liners can be used. These liners are specifically designed to wick away moisture and keep the baby cool and comfortable. Some seat liners even have a gel that dissipates heat from the skin, and they can be refrigerated for an added cooling effect.

To provide personal cooling for both the baby and parent, stroller fans can be attached to the stroller. These fans can also be used indoors in the nursery to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Signs Of Overheating And How To Respond Quickly

It is important to be aware of the signs of overheating in babies and respond promptly to prevent any potential complications. Signs that a baby may be overheating include:

  • Feeling hot
  • Looking flushed or red
  • Sweating or having damp hair
  • Acting fussy or restless
  • Having an elevated heart rate
  • Seeming overly tired or sluggish

If a baby appears listless, confused, weak, or dizzy, and exhibits symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, they should be immediately taken out of the sun and brought to a cool place. Gently patting the baby’s skin with cool damp towels and providing plenty of fluids is recommended. If symptoms do not improve or if there is a concern, contacting a pediatrician or doctor is essential for further assistance and guidance.

“If a baby appears listless, confused, weak, or dizzy, and exhibits symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, they should be immediately taken out of the sun and brought to a cool place.”

In conclusion, it is crucial to prioritize protecting babies from UV rays and overheating during the summer months. Important measures to ensure the well-being and comfort of babies in hot weather include:

  • Using stroller covers or sunshades
  • Dressing babies in suitable clothing
  • Keeping them hydrated
  • Using stroller seat liners and cooling solutions
  • Being vigilant about the signs of overheating

By following these guidelines, parents and caregivers can provide a safe and enjoyable experience for their little ones while using a stroller during the summer.


How do you keep baby cool in stroller in summer?

To keep your baby cool in a stroller during the summer, it’s important to choose a stroller with features designed for hot weather. Look for a stroller with a large canopy to provide shade and protect your baby from the sun’s rays. Additionally, opt for a stroller with mesh areas for improved ventilation and air circulation. Another helpful feature is a bumper bar or snack tray where you can clip a stroller fan to help keep your baby cool. Finally, selecting a stroller with UPF rated fabric will provide additional protection against the sun. By prioritizing these features, you can ensure that your baby stays cool and comfortable while out and about in their stroller during the summer months.

What is too hot for a baby in a stroller?

It is essential to be aware of the temperature inside a baby stroller to prevent overheating. Babies can become uncomfortably warm and risk dehydration in hot weather conditions. To ensure the well-being of the baby, it is crucial to avoid exposing them to excessively high temperatures within the stroller.

Are stroller fans worth it?

Stroller fans offer a practical solution for keeping your baby cool and content during hot weather. The gentle circulation of air not only provides relief from the heat, but also creates a calming environment through its soothing breeze and hum. With their ability to keep your little one comfortable and calm, stroller fans prove to be a worthwhile investment for any parent.

How do I keep my baby cool in 90 degree weather?

To keep your baby cool in 90 degree weather, ensure you provide a comfortable indoor environment with adequate ventilation and air conditioning. Dress your baby in lightweight and breathable clothing, and consider using a small portable fan or a cool mist humidifier to maintain a cooler atmosphere. If you need to go outside, seek out shaded areas and use a stroller with a sunshade or a baby carrier with built-in sun protection. Remember to offer your baby extra breastfeeds or formula to keep them hydrated, and for babies over 6 months, you can offer small sips of cooled boiled water between their milk feeds to help them stay cool.

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