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how long baby stay in a bassinet

How long can a Baby Stay in a Bassinet

As new parents, we often find ourselves marveling at the angelic sight of our sleeping babies, peacefully nestled in their bassinets. However, as the months roll by, a growing question lingers in our minds: How long can our little ones stay in their cozy bassinets? Transitioning from a bassinet to a crib is an important […]

will baby sleep if hungry

Can a Baby Sleep Even if Hungry?

Parents often wonder if a baby will get to sleep if they are hungry. They should make sure that the baby is fed before going to bed. Sometimes the feeding may not be enough to put them to sleep. Some babies might need help falling asleep by rocking or nursing on their back until asleep. […]

baby wakes up every hour

Why does Your Baby Wake Up Every Hour At Night?

Babies wake up at night for many reasons. Some are more obvious than others, but it’s important to know what some of the most common reasons are so you can take steps to help your baby sleep better. In this post, we’re going to go over nine possible causes for a baby waking up and […]

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